Added a dashboard under the SEO menu item and moved all persistent notifications to this dashboard.
Added an indicator to the menu and admin bar about pending notifications and SEO problems.
Splits the analysis into content and keyword analysis.
Adds a ton of content feedback about the following properties:
The length of subheadings.
The length of text following a subheading.
The length of paragraphs.
The length of sentences.
The presence of transition words.
The presence of the passive voice.
Adds a marker button for specific properties to mark these in the editor:
The length of paragraphs.
The length of sentences.
The presence of passive voice.
The presence of transition words.
The presence of links with the focus keyword as link text.
Adds slug transliteration for the following languages, this means that we now match with both the non-transliterated keyword and the transliterated keyword: